There is absolutely no benefit whatsoever from negative thinking, and removing negativity from your life will make you a better trader.
I was a very positive child, most children are. It’s only when we start to get older and the influence of our parents and our peers start to kick in that we become negative.
Some people will say its living in the real world that makes us negative.
But what is the real world? The real world is whatever you want it to be.
Do you want to live in your world, or do you want to live in everyone else’s world?
I prefer to live in my world. My world is pretty good to be fair.
I am a successful trader with money in the bank.
I am fit and healthy.
I live in a great place.
I have great friends and family.
I can do what I want whenever I want to do it.
My world is great, hows your world?
Are you living in your world, or are you living in everyone else’s world?
It’s very easy to fall into everyone else’s world, and that’s what the majority of people do.
To get the most out of your life and your trading you need to live in your world. Take responsibility for your actions, and admit that where you are now in your life, or your trading, is down to you, not anyone else.
If you live in everyone else’s world then you can blame everyone else for your shortcomings. When the real person you need to blame is yourself.
The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is successful people want to be successful, and they take responsibility for their actions. If they are not happy with something they change it.
If you are in a low paying job that you hate, do something about it.
If you are living in a place that you hate, do something about it.
If you are unhappy, do something about it.
If your trading sucks, do something about it.
Don’t blame everyone else for your situation and don’t live in everyone else’s world.
Are you surrounded by negativity?
You will never be a great trader or have a great life if you are surrounded by negativity.
Everyone is exposed to negativity every day, but is it negativity from your world or everyone else’s world?
Ok here are a few examples of negativity in everyone else’s world.
You turn on the TV and you are bombarded by the negativity from the news channels.
You read the newspaper and someone has been stabbed to death.
You turn on the radio and someone has been shot.
You are driving down the road and you see someone have a car accident.
Here are a few examples of negativity in your world.
Someone steals your car.
Someone breaks into your house.
Someone punches you in the face.
You lose your job.
Now if you look at the examples of negativity in everyone else’s world you can clearly see that stuff happens all the time. The negativity examples in your own world happen very rarely.
We are constantly bombarded with negativity from everyone else’s world but it’s not relevant to our world. So why let it have an impact on our world.
We cannot remove the negativity from everyone else’s world, so there is no point in even trying, so just ignore it.
About 20 years ago I lived in Spain for a couple of years, and although I can speak enough Spanish to get by, I could not really understand what was going on in the world by watching the news.
So, fortunately, I was not constantly being exposed to all that negativity in the world and that was a real boost to my attitude, and I found that I turned into a really positive person.
So unless you are extremely unlucky then most of the negativity in your life comes from everyone else’s world.
So unless negativity directly affects you then ignore it, and you will really see positivity and success return to your life.
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