Do you want to teach Forex trading to other traders?

There is one thing I have realized from the last 12 months. It does not matter how free you think you are, you are still not in control of your own destiny.
As a professional trader with the ability to work from anywhere in the world, you would rightly think that I have a lot more freedom than most people. And while that is true I am still at the mercy of other factors that can curtail that freedom.
These last 12 months have been very hard for many people with the devastation of Covid 19 lockdowns. Unfortunately, that is time lost that we are never getting back, and it makes you look at your life differently.
We are all getting older and hopefully wiser and I want to spend more of my free time doing the things I want to do and spend less time working. Now I am in the fortunate position that I could retire tomorrow if I wanted to do that. As my grandad used to say “I have enough money to last me the rest of my life if I die tomorrow” 🙂
But joking aside, I have worked hard and trading has given me a very good life. I am not considering retirement just yet as I do enjoy my work. But I want to step back a little.
With that in mind, I have decided to launch a brand new opportunity for traders that want to learn how to trade, but also want to learn how to teach other traders to do the same.
Now I realize that this offer is not going to be suitable for everyone, as some people want to learn how to trade and get on with it. But trading can be very boring. That is one of the reasons I decided to start teaching. Teaching other traders how to trade can be very rewarding and lucrative.
My new training and teaching course will offer struggling traders the opportunity to learn my bulletproof trading strategies and also be able to teach those strategies to other struggling traders on license from me.
The new course will be 15 hours in duration over a period of up to 3 months. You will learn my 3 best strategies, plus additional information that will enable you to teach those strategies to other traders.
The cost of the course is the same as my 15-hour course £4995. There will be an additional £1000 fee payable for the license that will give you permission to teach my strategies to other traders.
£5995 sounds a lot of money but if you teach my strategies to just 2 other traders you will be in profit by £3995. If you teach my strategies to just one other trader you will have learned my strategies for the cost of the £1000 license fee.
Now some people are better at sales and marketing than others, but if you teach just five 15 hour courses in a 12 month period you will earn an additional income of almost £25k per year.
That’s not a lot compared to what you can earn as a trader, but some people will work full time for 12 months for less than that. It’s certainly a nice little bonus on top of your trading profits.
This brand new opportunity is only available to traders that have experience in trading. You don’t have to be profitable, but you do have to have a basic understanding of trading. I will teach you the rest.
So if you like the idea of teaching Forex trading to other traders to generate an additional income alongside your trading profits, or if you have any questions about this offer, then please call me on 07939 42 7000, or email me